Our Dr. Renata participated in the Europerio9 Periodontal Congress in Amsterdam, which this year offered a rich and diverse scientific program with more than 120 speakers of specialists in periodontology and implantology from around the world. The latest methods for the treatment of periodontitis and presentations of former EFP postgraduate experts in periodontology, various discussions and – for the first time at the EuroPerio Congress – live surgery were presented.
Svakako, jedna od najzanimljivijih tema bila je “Nightmare session (najkompliciraniji slučajevi iz prakse) gdje su specijalisti parodontologije predstavili neke od najstrašnijih scenarija liječenja. Sudionicima kongresa objasnili su i prezentirali kako su izbjegli i spasili zube pacijentima te što možemo naučiti iz (njihovih) pogrešaka.
Visitors to EuroPerio9 Congress also enjoyed Amsterdam and the surrounding area. It was hard to choose where to go because there was so much to see – museums, canals, nearby North Sea beaches, beautiful villages.
Monday - Friday
07:00 - 21:00
Sundays and holidays
Monday - Friday
07:00 - 21:00
Sundays and holidays